Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital


an overview

Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital is the Children’s Miracle Network hospital that OttoTHON partners with. All proceeds from OttoTHON fundraisers and events go towards this hospital that seeks to provide a comfortable patient and parent experience through an environment of respect, compassion, and trust. With the help of their highly valued and experienced employees and volunteers, the hospital aims to improve health and prevent illness. The hospital serves children up to 19 years old from 22 counties (including parts of Pennsylvania and Vermont) and includes 44 medical/surgical beds, 15 pediatric intensive care beds, and 12 hematology/oncology beds. Aspiring to be the leading children’s hospital in Upstate New York, Upstate Golisano treats over 100,000 pediatric encounters each year.

ottothon’s impact

All funds collected by OttoTHON are donated to Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital. They go towards making the hospital environment the most welcoming and enjoyable place it can be for its young patients. The funds raised during OttoTHON 2021 were dedicated to the psychiatric inpatient clinic and pediatric unmet needs like gas cards, meals for families, and laundry services. In 2019, all OttoTHON funds contributed towards building the Golisano Center for Special Needs, which provides services to children with disabilities across Upstate New York. In other previous years, funds have gone towards various things like special wagons used to transport patients around the hospital, art supplies, and art therapists.